ABOUT Smart Touch Software


Smart Touch Software evolved from the days of MS-Dos when we wrote an Accounting Program called Textbook Pro for the American Red Cross Chapter in Utica, New York. That program had our own database management capability.

In 1988, we also developed a program for Mail and Parcel Centers called Shiprite Pro using the engine from Texbook Pro. This program was converted to Windows in 1993 about the same time Jo Hayes of Dave Hayes Appliance Center walked into our retail computer center in desparation over loosing her Point of Sale system. We were able to recover her data and load it into Shiprite Pro. With a few new adjustments, Shiprite Pro became a split personality. With the throwing of a switch in the program, Easy Sale for Windows was born.

In 1993, we picked up a exclusive dealership for a now deprocated Dental Program. Over a span of 4 years, we developed expertise in the Dental Practice Management Software business all across the North East including New England. At that program was “gobbled up” by one of the big three Dental Supply Companies, we decided to start building on our own Dental Software.

In 2004, with a widening customer base over multiple lines of business, we realized that marketing point of sale software with a name like Shiprite Software, Inc. didn’t work well across non-shipping LOB’s. SmartTouch Software, Inc. was born. It was at this time, SmartTouch POS spun off from Shiprite Pro and took on a whole new concept in programming.

Today’s SmartTouch POS is a full featured Point of Sale Program that uses the disconnected data model, can be configured with any SQL database engine, uses Socet Services to turn old antequated networks into usable means of data transmission for today’s software, and now uses the full screen on the new wide screen monitors.

Product Concepts

Our philosophy is simple, software must fit the business. We have learned over the years, not every retailer can be identical. Using optional switches and configuration values, SmartTouch lines of products can be tailered to fit your needs. If it does not fit entirely and you are a premium support customer, we’ll turn on a dime for you and meet your needs.

Software also must be cheep to keep. That is, don’t require complicate Client Server networks that cost you money and require experts to operating. A well configured Windows network with 10 stations can operate very effectively without purchaseing SYBASE ®, Oracle ®, or Microsoft SQL Server ®.Product Concepts

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